I’ve officially become Susie Homemaker

My children have discovered something new and they absolutely love it.  I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of it, but it is called… “outside”.  Okay, I realize that most people already have heard of “outside”, (unless you are a shut in…in which case…oops, I’m sorry about poking fun at outside)  but my children weren’t completely turned on to it last year.  It’s too hot, I’m too bored, there are bugs out there.  Hey, I figure it’s better then having the bugs in the house.

So far this year (And I say so far, because I know my children and their fickle ways) they love spending time outside.  Outside is good to them.  Outside wipes away their tears and kisses their scratches.  Outside plays with them until they are exhausted and sweaty.  Outside tucks them into bed at night and kisses them sweetly on the forehead.  Okay, really outside does almost none of those things, but I am holding out hope for the wiping away tears because, some days, there are so many tears I think I may drown.

What outside does do is keep my girlies entertained and me sane.  It gives us all a little space and during the non-school time summer we can all use a little space from time to time.  I also love that they are out there doing something and keeping busy instead of asking about computer time, wanting to watch tv, or wanting to play video games.  Keep in mind that there is still some whining though it is kept to a minimum and that tattling still reigns.

Oh, outside, how I love you.  In case you didn’t notice – my cabin fever is gone 🙂

Yesterday after dinner I was able to get the base row of my garden timbers put into place and leveled.  ((Applause))  Thank you very much.  I’m thrilled as well.  The plan was that tonight we would put on the second layer, Andy would drill holes, and then Andy (my manly man) will pound rebar through the holes and into the ground.  AND, I’m proud to report that I have a garden that is framed!  I still need to get a little more fill, but then I will set to the next steps of having a garden… plant, water, weed, harvest, and cook.  Look…I’m the flippin’ little red hen.  Well, I take that back…Andy helped with digging up the grass, he cut the timbers after I marked them, driledl the holes, and pounded the rebar.  So really, he has helped more then some husbands would have.

I’m just excited to be this far.  I feel like I’ve already accomplished so much here since we moved here last August.  I have a garden, I’m working on 2 flower beds, I have a outdoor clothesline, and I’m picking out colors to paint my home.  Look at me, I’m Susie Homemaker.

Tomorrow is Friday.  I am going to be at school volunteering and helping Kalli celebrate her birthday at school.  Her actual birthday is on Sunday (approaching way to quickly) but since one of her friends (the boy she is going to marry – according to her) has his birthday on Monday, I decided to bring her birthday treat tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also a half day at school so we will be home for part of the day.  The girls will be spending the day outside playing, hopefully.  I will be cleaning and trying to get ready for Sunday’s party.  The weather is suppose to be beautiful and if that holds true we will be doing the party outside. It would make things so much easier, but we’ll have to see.

Since I will be at school tomorrow surrounded my kindergartners I need to get some serious sleep.  Tomorrow I will post about how I went to clean the basement up and ended up deep breathing to keep from waking my children up to scream at them.  Let’s just say that there will be a sit down with the girls and the neighbor about respecting things and a punishment given.  Keep tuned in for tomorrow’s update.

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